Archive for May, 2010

Science of Ayurveda

As a traditional medicine, many ayurveda products have not been tested in rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials. In India, research in ayurveda is largely undertaken by the statutory body of the Central Government, the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), through a national network of research institutes…

Ayurveda: An Introduction

Ayurveda is grounded in a metaphysics of the “five great elements” (Devanāgarī: [महा] पञ्चभूत; earth, water, fire, air and ether)—all of which compose the Universe, including the human body.[1] Chyle or plasma (called rasa dhatu), blood (rakta dhatu), flesh (mamsa dhatu), fat (medha dhatu), bone (asthi dhatu), marrow (majja dhatu) and semen or female reproductive tissue (shukra dhatu)…

History of Ayurveda

Around 1500 BC, ayurveda’s fundamental and applied principles got organised and enunciated. Ayurveda traces its origins to the Vedas, Atharvaveda in particular, and is connected to Hindu religion. Atharvaveda (one of the four most ancient books of Indian knowledge, wisdom and culture) contains 114 hymns or formulations for the treatment of diseases…